also is it ok to ask for forgivness and supplicate to ALLAH (SWT) in a medulous way kinda like in a song but only using the human voice? also when the U.S. had a blackout my Dad told me that it was a Sign from ALLAH (SWT) and i told him in a loud rude and arrogant manner that it wasn’t can i tell my dad sorry. also i used to make fun of a girl that had deformed fingers. i told her that i was sorry but can i buy her some candy to make up for what i did. i also used to steal candy from my teacher when i was in the 9th grade (i was 15 back then now i am 16) can i buy her candy to replace what i stole and can i tell her what i did even though you (Mufti Ebrahim Desai) said it wasn’t necessary..
1. The webpage mentioned contains many beliefs of Kufr and you should stay away from it.
2.You can supplicate in a melodious way, however one should not imitate singers.
3. You should ask your father for forgiveness.
4. You should not keep contact with females who are not mahram to you.
5. You could tell her what you did, but it is not necessary.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai