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4. is it sunnah for females to cover their head without any hair showing (like in salah) when going to bathroom

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

loud in a room where other people are busy doing something else but not loud enough that others can make the words out? ex. they here me as if i am mumbling but i can hear myself. 2. one is doing tilawat out loud all alone in a room, someone walks in to do something. Should one stop tilawat of Quran in this situation and wait for the person to leave? 3. is it true that angels come when you do zikr, tilawat of Quran out loud? so is it better to do these out loud? and if one does these silently then angels don’t come? 4. is it sunnah for females to cover their head without any hair showing (like in salah) when going to bathroom. or would it still be obeying sunnah if the hair show as far as head is covered?


1. It will be permissible to make Tilaawat in the way you have mentioned even though others are engaged in work which they commenced prior to your recitation. (Ahsanul Fataawa vol.9 pg.92; HM Saeed)

2. If you are reciting the Qur’aan loudly in a room and someone enters for some work, there is no need to stop your Tilaawat. You may continue reciting. (Ibid)

3. Making Zikr loudly is not a prerequisite for angels to come to you. The angels will be with you even if you are making Zikr softly. In fact, Zikr made silently is considered superior to loud Zikr. Allah Ta’ala states, ?And remember your Lord within yourself, humbly and with fear and without loudness in words in the mornings and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful.?

4. It is Mustahabb for women to cover their heads including the hair when entering the toilet. (Tahtawi pg.51; Ilmiyah)

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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