1)How long is the term for breastfeeding? Is it 2 years or 2 and a half years because in one place in the Quran it says 2 and in another it says 2 and a half. 2)Will their be any sin on the mother if she stops breastfeeding before that time prescribed by Allah (that is if she does not have a proper valid reason and just wants to stop without any illness or anything)? Jazakallah khair!
1. 2 years. There is difference of opinion however the prefered view is 2 years. (Bahisti Zewar, Ahsanul Fatawa)
2. If the child is eating solids before 2 years and the mother feels that there would be no harm in weaning him before 2 years then she has the full right to do so. (Shaami, Bahisti Zewar)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Ml. Husain Kadodia
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