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Answers with Tag: Breastfeeding

Child Maintenance If Receiving Government Benefits

Does Induced Lactation Alter Fiqh Rules of Breastfeeding?

Drinking the Wife’s Milk and the Status of Marriage

Can a woman who is breastfeeding skip her Ramadan fasts?

What is the Evidence That the Verse about Breastfeeding Five Times Was Abrogated but the Ruling Was Upheld?

I Owe Ramadan Fasts, but I Am Pregnant – What Can I Do?

Breastfeeding after Two Years

Is a Man’s Wife’s Stepmother Mahram to Him?

I want to adopt my brother’s new born baby

Wife is Obliged to Strike a Balance between Obedience to Husband and Obedience to Parents

Giving Precedence to Getting one`s Son Married over Performing Hajj is up to Person`s Assessment

Ruling on Observing Fast during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Delaying Making up for Missed Obligatory Fasts till next Ramadan Came Obligates Paying Fidyah

Although she had Breastfed her Sister`s Son, he Engaged her Daughter

Ruling on Aborting a less than Forty Days Old Baby