I wanted to marry a girl i have known for a long time. My parents were ok with it and her parents had said yes but then they lied to her telling her i wasnt gonna come and got her engaged to another person. She knows of the truth and told her parents she doesnt want to marry the other guy but her parents dont care. i have done istikhara 8 times, each time coming positive and i have talked to a few sheiks and they all say its the right thing to do. She now is having to get married to this other guy cuz her parents will not listen. If she is not right for me, then is there a dua or something i may read inshallah that ALlah inshallah let me know who was made for me inshallah?
According to Shari?ah, an adult female has an independent right to marry a person of her choice. It is obviously advisable for her to consult with her seniors, parents, etc. Their guidance to her will be motivated by their love for her.
If the girl and her parents consented for the girl to marry you and if the parents have deceived their daughter and got her proposed to another person, then they have committed wrong. If the girl sincerely wants to marry you, then let her deal with her parents directly. She is at liberty not to marry the other person. It is our advice to you to exercise restraint. Turn to Allah and make Du’aa to Him to grant you a suitable partner. You may think this girl is suitable for you. Only Allah Ta’ala knows if she is indeed suitable. Remember at times, we get upset based on our limited understanding and insight. Very often, the complete opposite is true and we realise our folly.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai Original Source Link