Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » 1) Do we have to recite any surah after Fateha and before raising hands in 3rd rikat of witr, b) Sajda Sahw, etc.

1) Do we have to recite any surah after Fateha and before raising hands in 3rd rikat of witr, b) Sajda Sahw, etc.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I have following questions 1) Do we have to recite any surah after Fateha and before raising hands in 3rd rikat of witar. 2) When we read first missed rikat after imam says salam should we recite subhana kala huma —- before fateha. 3) Is sajdah sahu compulsory if I forgets to sit in second rikat in 4 rikat namaz and if I forgets to raise hands and forget to read 3 times surah ahad in witur. 4) Is sajdah sahu compulsory if I sit in first rikat but on relaise I stand up and also if I doubt for performance of any wajib action. 5) Is sajdah sahu compulsory if I have doubt of performance of any act.


1. Reciting a Surah in the third Rakaat of Witr is Waajib.
2. Yes, Thanaa should be recited.
3. a) Yes, Sajdah Sahw will be Waajib
b) Sajdah Sahw is not waajib.
c) Sajdah Sahw is not Waajib.
4. If the duration of delay in standing up (after realizing) is equal to 3
Subhaanallah’s, then only will Sajdah Sahw be Waajib.
5. Sajdah Sahw will be Waajib upon using your discretion and the greater
part of your mind feeling that you have left out a Waajib act.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Moulana Muhammad Hashim


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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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