I am a 24 old man, married 3 months a go to a christian woman, she is a mormon, before marriage I promissed her that our life going to be happy, she beleived me, she married me, but now I have a problem with her, it’s about raising kids moslems, I am scared I don’t want them to go to fire nor me neither my wife. Is it appropriate to divorce her, what allah says in this case, am I going to be accountable by using her, her family acuses me by being such a lier cause I promissed to be compromising. Please advise what shoudl I do. Jazakom Allah
Since you have already married the person in question, we advise you
exercise caution in your intention of divorcing her. The wisdom of the
permissibility of marrying a woman from the Ahle Kitaab (Jews and
Christians) is to use one’s influence to convert her to Islam. Divorcing her
may have a devastating effect on her as well as have a negative image of
Islam and Muslims. Your marriage is young and you should apply wisdom and
invite her towards Islam. However, if after making an effort to do so you
are unsuccessful, and you are almost certain that she is an unsuitable
mother for your children, then you should make istikhaarah (seek Divine
guidance) in discontinuing the marriage. Kindly refer to Istikhaarah on this
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai