Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » If a person agrees to marry another person out of pressure but they are not in each other’s destiny, will the marriage not occur?

If a person agrees to marry another person out of pressure but they are not in each other’s destiny, will the marriage not occur?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I am 27 and have been trying to get married for six years. I think about my problem every single day, almost all day and it is hurting me. I know it is also hurting my family and that they want the best for me. They have brought a proposal before me that I am not comfortable with but I am being pressured to say yes. I was told that if it is not my destiny then even if I say yes, the marriage will not occur. I did istikhara but still nothing is clear to me. I am scared that I might end up spending my life alone. I have made many, many duas. I will say yes to this proposal that I have because of pressure and my own fears but my heart tells me I will not be happy. I don’t know what to do. I would appreciate also if you might say a dua for me. Jazak-Allah.


Marriage is a major step in life. You should not commit to marrying if you
uncertain and unhappy. However, you should also differentiate between the
fears of not being happy with your present choice and what could happen in

The future is best known to Allah. However, in making in your present
choice, you should make mashwara (consult) with your seniors and continue
with Istikhaara. Until you are not certain, don’t commit.

Was salaam

Mufti E Desai
Fatwa Dept.

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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