Posted: 7 Zul Hijjah 1428, 18 December 2007
Q.) Please explain the rulings about Rami. |
A.) There are three different rulings that will be discussed:
1. Rami After Sunset
The most preferable time of rami on the 10th of Zil Hijjah is from sunrise till mid-day (zawaal).
It is also permissible to make rami after mid-day till sunset.
It is undesirable (makrooh) to make rami after sunset, but if someone makes rami after sunset till before the time of Fajr the next day, the rami will be accepted and there will be no penalty. Moreover, it will be permissible for the person who has been excused by Shariah to make rami at night (after sunset) without any undesirability.
It is also permissible to make rami from the time of Fajr till before sunrise on the 10th of Zil Hijjah, but it will be highly undesirable as it is the time for wuqoof in Muzdalifah.
فلرمي جمرة العقبة أربعة أوقات، وقت مسنون بعد طلوع الشمس، ووقت مباح بعد زوالها، ووقت مجزئ مكروه بعد طلوع فجر النحر، ووقت مكروه وهو الرمي بالليل لمن ليس له عذر.
(Al Fiqhul Hanafi wa Adillatuhu Vol.1 Pg.455 – Darul Kalim Al Tayyib)
The most preferable time of rami on the 11th and 12th of Zil Hijjah is from mid-day till sunset.
It is undesirable (makrooh) to make rami after sunset, but if someone makes rami after sunset till before the time of Fajr the next day, the rami will be accepted and there will be no penalty. Moreover, it will be permissible for the person who has been excused by Shariah to make rami at night (after sunset) without any undesirability.
والوقت المسنون فى اليومين من أيام التشريق من الزوال إلى غروب الشمس، ومن الغروب إلى طلوع الفجر وقت مكروه.
ويجوز للرعاء تأخير الرمي إلى الليل الآتي … فلو ترك الرمي فى اليوم الأول رماه فى ليلة المقبلة ولم يكن مؤخرا له عن وقته.
(Al Fiqhul Hanafi wa Adillatuhu Vol.1 Pg.458 – Darul Kalim Al Tayyib)
The time of rami on the 13th of Zil Hijjah starts from the time of Fajr Salaah and lasts till sunset. However, it is preferable to make rami after mid-day and the time before mid-day is makrooh (undesirable)
وأما الجواز فى اليوم الرابع فمن الفجر إلى الغروب، إلا أن ما قبل الزوال وقت مكروه وما بعده مسنون.
(Al Fiqhul Hanafi wa Adillatuhu Vol.1 Pg.458 – Darul Kalim Al Tayyib)
The scholars have explained that women, children, elderly, etc. fall under the category of those who are excused. Therefore, it will be permissible for them to make rami at night (after sunset) without any undesirability.
(Fatawa Raheeemiyah Vol.6 Pg.85 – Darul Isha’at)
2. Appointing someone to make Rami on one’s behalf
It is permissible to appoint someone to make rami on one’s behalf only when one is very sick or so weak that he cannot reach the place of rami even with the help of a conveyance. Women, children and those elderly people who are not so weak cannot appoint someone to make rami on there behalf on the basis of extreme crowds. The crowd is very little at night, and women, children, elderly, etc. are permitted to make rami at night, as explained above.
(Fatawa Raheeemiyah Vol.6 Pg.85 – Darul Isha’at)
(Ahsanul Fatawa Vol.4 Pg.534 – H.M. Sa’eed Company)
3. Making Rami on the 13th of Zil Hijjah on behalf of all the days
When one misses out rami on any of the days, he has to make qadha and there will also be a penalty.
The method of qadha is that he has to pelt the number of pebbles he had missed before or on the 13th day of Zil Hijjah. It is not permissible to make qadha after the 13th of Zil Hijjah.
Hereunder is the explanation of the penalty:
If one misses out less than half the amount of pebbles he was supposed to pelt on a particular day, then he will have to give out in charity 2.216 kg of wheat in lieu of every pebble he missed. However, if the value of his wheat reaches the value of one goat, then he should not exceed the value of goat, but give sadaqah of little less than the value.
If one misses more than half or all the pebbles of one particular day, he will have to give damm (slaughter a goat). Similarly, if he misses more than half or all the pebbles of more than one day, he still has to slaughter only one goat. He will not be required to slaughter a goat in lieu of each day.
أو الرمي كله ، أو في يوم واحد ، أو الرمي الأول ، وأكثره : أي أكثر رمي يوم
( قوله أو الرمي كله ) إنما وجب بتركه كله دم واحد لأن الجنس متحد كما في الحلق ، والترك إنما يتحقق بغروب الشمس من آخر أيام الرمي وهو الرابع لأنه لم يعرف قربة إلا فيها ، وما دامت الأيام باقية فالإعادة ممكنة فيرميها على التأليف ، ثم بتأخيرها يجب الدم عنده خلافا لهما بحر ، وبه علم أن الترك غير قيد لوجوب الدم بتأخير الرمي كله أو تأخير رمي يوم إلى ما يليه
( قوله وأكثره ) كأربع حصيات فما فوقها في يوم النحر أو إحدى عشرة فيما بعده ، وكذا لو أخر ذلك .
أما لو ترك أقل من ذلك أو أخره فعليه لكل حصاة صدقة إلا أن يبلغ دما فينقص ما شاء لباب
(Raddul Muhtar Vol.2 Pg.554 – H.M. Sa’eed Company)
(Ahsanul Fatawa Vol.4 Pg.534 – H.M. Sa’eed Company)
It is understood from the abovementioned that it will not be permissible to delay all rami till the 13th of Zil Hijjah. If one does so, it will be regarded as qadha and he will be penalised with a damm (slaughtering of a goat).
And Allah knows best.
Ml. Abu Yahya,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah