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Answers indexed from: AskOurImam.com

How should the property be distributed among the heirs?

How shall we distribute the inheritance of my grandparents?

Who is entitled to the Carer allowance for my child? How can I limit her spending?

Inheritance of Property

Is it permissible for women to wear imitation rings?

Is my ablution and salah valid in the given cases?

Can a Muslim inherit from a Non-Muslim?

What are the rulings pertaining to a child born outside wedlock?

What is the ruling concerning an illegitimate child?

What is the ruling about praying behind an Imam who takes out interest based mortgage?

What is a hypocrite and what are the rulings pertaining to a hypocrite?

Can I work in the I.T department of a retailer which may require to work for banks?

Is Hajj Tamattu` permissible for those going Makkah first, then Madinah, and then back to Makkah for Hajj?

Does the husband`s money belong to his wife and vice versa?

What are the Ahadith regarding the virtue of the people and place of as-Shām?