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Answers indexed from: AnswersToFatawa

I missed 30 fasts  during Ramadan due to pregnancy?

Why is the Friday khutba in Arabic?                                         

Can I use my asthma pump while fasting?  

Is it permissible to read taraweeh in sets of four rather than two.

Does a nursing (breastfeeding) woman have to fast?

Using toothpaste while fasting

What is kaffarah of Ramadan?

How to perform wudhu with a cast on

Masah upon khuffayn for a muqīm and a musāfir

Is it permissible to perform wudhu with zamzam water?

What is masah ‘ala al-khufain and what is its status in Shari`ah?

How to perform masah upon leather socks?

Can you advice on the iddah period

“if you put your foot outside the door, its divorce”

Do I have to give 3 talaqs for talaq to take place