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A particular car deal

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftionline.co.za

Q: Can Mufti Saheb review the attached information  regarding this particular car deal and explain if it permissible to enter into such a deal. Shukran

Car deal:

Option 1: Earn While You Own

The first option known as ‘Earn while you own’ has a minimum qualifications mileage of 500km’s. This will earn the ASP (advertising service provider) R570 pm, furthermore the Blue Lakes Group will reward the ASP for any vehicle
sold from his or her unique code. The unique code is a unique identifier code that links the vehicle advertisement to the owner of the vehicle. Should a vehicle be sold from the clients unique code the client will receive an astonishing R3000. That is R3000 per car sold, for every car sold. The reward program is completely transparent and the client can at any stage log into his or her web portal and view the amount of cars sold. As this groundbreaking marketing initiative still involves an R570 advertising fee, the client is expected to submit only 2 photos as in the first option mentioned above. The 1st photo must display the odometer proving that a minimum of 500km’s have been traveled. The second photo must be of the rear of the vehicle ensuring BlueLakes that the advertising material is still in good condition.
This advertising option thus allows small business owners to advertise their own business on the front and sides of the vehicle where option number 1 does not. We have achieved great success with this referral initiative with monthly payouts of up to R15 000 to some clients. A high percentage of  clients prefer this advertising option as it allows them to earn an additional income, and can easily result in them driving a new car for free. 

Option 2: Earn While You Drive

The second option known as ‘Earn while you drive’ involves the client or advertising service provider, being rewarded on a kilometer exposure rate. This rate varies on a sliding scale depending on the monthly kilometers traveled. The AF (advertising fee) is calculated as a percentage of the repayment amount of the car and will fluctuate as the national interest rate changes. Should the ASP (advertising service provider) drive more than 2000km’s per month they will receive 100% of the advertising fee. Any distance traveled between 1500 – 2000km’s will ensure 95% of the AF. 1000 – 1500km’s is rewarded with 85% while 500 – 1000km’s receives 75% of the AF. In order to claim the AF the ASP must provide the necessary proof that the marketing material is in good condition and that the car it is displayed on has no accident damage. This proof must be in the form of 5 digital photos displaying a digital date, uploaded onto the Bluelakes web portal. The 5 photos must consist of a photo displaying the front, left and right hand sides of the car, the read clearly displaying the advertising material and the fifth photo showing the odometer as proof of Km’s traveled.
These photos must be taken and uploaded between the 1st and the 7th of every month. 

Terms and Conditions Legal Disclaimer

Duration of contract 72 months. Once off initiation fee of R1140.00 VAT inclusive, already included in contract. Monthly service fee of R57.00 VAT inclusive. Rate at prime +2% variable. All delivery, lic, registration and number plates included in cost of credit. No residual value or deposit. Cost of credit and repayments may vary due to your credit risk profile. Application subject (at all times) to approval from our credit providers partners. Pre quote and pre contract available at all times. Terms and conditions and cost of credit available or request of contract in all official languages
To qualify, the applicant must comply with the following basic conditions: Earn a minimum salary of R5 500.00 nett (take home); Not listed on the ITC; Have a SA Driver’s license and ID; The rest of our terms and conditions are set out in the example Advertising Contract

Please Note: Your repayment and cost of credit may vary as per terms and conditions of the advertising agreement. Advertised payment reduction is governed by a advertising program. Re-payments exclude monthly services charged and include initiation fee as allowed by the NCR.


A: In the first contract if the R570 is charged as a hiring fee then it would be permissible. Thereafter, the other contract is that you travel for at least 500 kms. This should be a separate contract altogether. For example, they will reimburse you with a certain amount for you travelling for this distance. In this way, this will be permissible.

We haven’t fully understood the second contract.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best.

( هي) لغة اسم للأجرة وهو ما يستحق على عمل الخير ولذا يدعى به يقال أعظم الله أجرك وشرعا (تمليك نفع) مقصود من العين (بعوض) حتى لو استأجر ثيابا أو أواني ليتجمل بها أو دابة ليجنبها بين يديه أو دارا لا ليسكنها أو عبدا أو دراهم أو غير ذلك لا ليستعمله بل ليظن الناس أنه له فالإجارة فاسدة في الكل ولا أجر له لأنها منفعة غير مقصودة من العين بزازية وسيجيء (وكل ما صلح ثمنا) أي بدلا في البيع (صلح أجرة) لأنها ثمن المنفعة ولا ينعكس كليا فلا يقال ما لا يجوز ثمنا لا يجوز أجرة لجواز إجارة المنفعة بالمنفعة إذا اختلفا كما سيجيء (الدر المختار 6/4)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

This answer was collected from MuftiOnline.co.za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa.

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