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Why it is that that wearing half sleeves during Salah is Makroo-e-Tanzihi?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by DarulUloomTT.net


Why it is that that wearing half sleeves during Salah is Makroo-e-Tanzihi?

It is noted in the Sahih Al Bukhari that Sahabah used to perform their Salah without covering the shoulders, and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) order them to cover their shoulder ? This mean the Aurah for salaah is shoulder to Knee? is my understanding was right ? Then why Scholars of today claim that covering elbow is necessary?
Jazak Allah Khairum



1) Because it is opposing to the Sunnah.

2) No, the Aurah for Salaah does not entail covering the shoulder to the knee. Your understanding is not right.

And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan


This answer was collected from DarulUloomTT.net, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Waseem Khan from Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago.

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