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Going to Dargah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org


1.Can we go to Yusuf Baba, Shareef Baba dargah in Nampally Hyderabad India. 

2.What is right way to take wasilah, how should we start and end with giving fatiha. Can we receit Surah Yasin for barakat. 

3.Is it true that these saints were from ahle haq and the story of helping Aurangzeb r.a., some people say that they were hypocrites. Please give clear explanation. 

4.One of my well wishers told me to go every Friday to dargah and offer Friday prayer in dargah masjid, for receiving barakath and make dua with their wasila from Allah, for solving worldly problems, will this be shirk. 


الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

  1. It’s not impermissible to go to the Dargah rather there is Targheeb (exhortation) in the Ahadith to go to the graves. It also reminds one of the death which proves to be helpful in correcting and adorning the Eemaan and A’amaal. However, one should avoid going to such shrines or Dargahs where people are doing Sajdah to the graves, they are covering the graves with the sheet or flowers etc., improper actions or actions ascribing partners to Allaah Ta’alaa are committed. Upon reaching the graveyard one should make Salaam to the deceased according to the Sunnah, and make Dua’a for forgiveness for the deceased buried in the graves. It would be very good if some portion of the Holy Quara’an is recited and its reward is sent to their souls.
  2. a) One may recite Surah Yaseen for Barakah (blessing). The method for seeking Waseelah is if one is making Dua’a then he should address and ask Allaah Ta’alaa, e.g., in this way that O, Allaah with the Barakah of these saints please fulfill my need, etc. One should not ask those saints that they should make Dua’a.The method of Aisaal-e-Sawaab (sending reward) is to give some Sadaqah (charity) to send reward to the deceased, or send reward by performing Nafil (optional) deeds or reciting some portion of the Holy Quara’an, i.e., one should make Dua’a to Allaah Ta’alaa that O, Allaah please send its reward to them. No day, times, Surahs, or number or any specific way is narrated; one may recite any Surahs and send the reward to the deceased, however, it is imperative to avoid customary and prevailing methods.

عن أبي أمامۃ بن سہل بن حنیف عن عمہ عثمان بن حنیف أن رجلا کان یختلف إلی عثمان بن عفان رضي اﷲ عنہ في حاجۃ لہ فکان عثمان لایلتفت إلیہ ولاینظر في حاجتہ   فلقي ابن حنیف فشکی ذلک إلیہ فقال لہ عثمان بن حنیف: إئت المیضاۃ فتوضأثم ائت المسجد فصل فیہ رکعتین ثم قل: اللّٰہم إني أسألک وأتوجہ إلیک بنبینا محمد صلی اﷲ علیہ وسلم بنی الرحمۃ، یا محمد إني أتوجہ بک إلی ربي فتقضي لي حاجتي الحدیث۔ (المعجم الکبیر للطبراني: ۹/۳۱، رقم: ۸۳۱۱) (سنن الترمذي أبواب الدعوات / باب دعاء النبي ا وتعوذہ في دبر کل صلاۃ ۲؍۱۹۸ رقم: ۳۵۷۸)

Allaamah Aalusi the writer of Ruhul Ma’ani writes:

إن التوسل بجاہ غیر النبي صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم لا بأس بہ أیضاً إن کان المتوسل بجاہہٖ مما علم أن لہ جاہاً عند اللّٰہ تعالیٰ کالمقطوع بصلاحہ وولایتہٖ۔ (روح المعاني ۶؍۱۲۸)

ندنا وعند مشائخنا یجوز التوسل في الدعوات بالأنبیاء والصالحین من الأولیاء والشہداء والصادقین في حیاتہم وبعد وفاتہم۔ (المنہد علی المفند ۱۳۱۲)وقال السبکي: یحسن التوسل بالنبي صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وسلم إلی ربہ ولم ینکرہ أحد من السلف والخلف۔ (عقائد أہل السنۃ والجماعۃ مدلل ۱۷۵-۱۷۶، فتاوی محمودیہ ۳؍۱۳۲ میرٹھ)

  1. Whatever you have heard of these two saints is correct, it is disrespect and insolence to use the word of Nifaq (hypocrisy) for them, it is imperative to avoid using such words.
  2. The Barakah comes in the life by practicing the Deen and following the Sunnah, hence one should transform himself according to the Sharia’t. Secondly one should have this belief clear to his mind that it is Allaah who makes or breaks the conditions, besides Allaah there is no one owner of benefit or harm, hence for getting rid of difficulties one should keep asking Khair, Barakah, and A’afiyat from Allaah alone. In addition, one should be particular about sending Salawaat (Durood) and seeking Istighfaar (forgiveness). Inshaa Allaah this would bring the advent of Barakah (Blessings) and one would get rid of miseries and worries.

إن ظن أن المیت یتصرف في الأمور دون اللہ تعالیٰ واعتقادہ ذلک کفر (شامي)

واعلم أن النذر الذي یقع للأموات من أکثر العوام وما یوٴخذ من الدراہم والشمع والزیت ونحوہا إلی ضرائح الأولیاء الکرام تقربًا إلیہم فہو بالإجماع باطل وحرام إھ (شامي زکریا: ۳/۴۲۷)

واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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