Please tell the following sunnah regarding delivery and birth rituals of a child.
(1) What according to Islam a woman should do/recite during child labour to ease pain and for a normal delivery.
(2) After the child is born what is the sunnah of keeping names on spot or after how many days.
(3) According to sunnah in how many days aqiqah can be done and to whom we should feed it.
(4) Please tell me boy name Ahmed and girl name Aimen is good.
(1) What according to Islam a woman should do/recite during child labour to ease pain and for a normal delivery.
(2) After the child is born what is the sunnah of keeping names on spot or after how many days.
(3) According to sunnah in how many days aqiqah can be done and to whom we should feed it.
(4) Please tell me boy name Ahmed and girl name Aimen is good.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 1116/895/B=1434)
(1) Read the following dua:
يا حي يا قيوم برحمتك استغيث .
(2) It is sunnah to keep the name of the child on seventh day.
(3) It is sunnah on seventh day. The relatives, friends and poor ones should be given to eat.
(4) Yes, both the names are good. You may keep them. However, the name of the girl should preferably be kept Yumna instead of Aimen.
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband