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Answers with Tag: Wife

Can women travel alone?

Oppressing women

Dua for easing bridal search.

Shariah etiquettes while making love with a wife

Can someone touch his wife’s breast while in the state of fasting?

Conduct with wife

Intimacy with wife

Is it permissible for husband and wife to look at their private parts?

Disposing woman’s hair

If a husband puts his fingers in his wife’s front private parts dose she has to take ghusl or not and does he has to take ghusl or not. If a wife touches her husbands front private parts dose she and he has to take ghusl 2: During intercourse, if the husband and wife are not clothed is that bad?

Recently, a sister asked me if her nikah is valid or not?

It has been 4 years to my marriage and still there is communication gap with my wife, its a long story, which are creating problems in my life by my in-laws, and due to this there were one year linking gap between us. Now from 2 years everything is perfect but I feel loneliness I feel that I am alone, I have 2 children. she does not communicate with me but we are still living in that condition, I am living with my family. I want to ask what can I do as per shariah or should I wait for the right time.

If a Muslim man has sex with his wife from her back part, does the nikah remains or not?

I was listening in a bayaan regarding rights of the wife that the Prophet (Sallallaho alayhi wa sallam) used to kiss his wife when leaving the home and also when coming back. I wanted to know, how does kissing your wife affect wudhu?

I had my nikah done about 2 months ago. But I am not sure if it was done right according to Islam. I live in Toronto Canada and my wife lives in Pakistan. I appointed someone to represent me in Pakistan and that individual signed the nikahnama for me. I also sent a written proposal for nikah to my representative as well before the nikah. On the day of nikah I called in and Qazi asked me if I accept the wife. I agreed and we had a khutba. Is it valid from Islamic point of view or do I Need to do nikah again once my wife comes over to Canada. Please advise.