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Answers with Tag: tawaf

Is it Permissible to Pray with Niqab On?

What exactly is the Kabba

Is it correct to go for Umrah without making the Wuzu first?

Is Halaque (shaving of the head) a necessary part of Umrah for men?

Is it necessary to make intention in a specific way for Tawaf?

Does saying Talbiyah during Tawaf affect the validity of Umrah or Hajj?

What is the procedure for completing an umrah for someone else?

Did we do the Umrah correctly?

What is the difference between the umrah for men and women?

Can I throw stones on the third day morning before Zuhar if I’m ill?

While performing hajj, can a menstruating woman perform the hajj rituals?

What is the interpretation of the dream of entering a mosque with a baby, seeing rain and children doing Tawaf, and catching a doll from the Kaaba?

What should someone do if they miss a round of Tawaf Umra or Tawaf Ziyara?

Can Saee of Tawaf-e-Ziyarat be performed on the 5th or 6th of Zil Haj before going to Mina on the 8th of Zil Haj?

Do I need to shave after 1st Umrah? Can I Tawaf on 1st/2nd floor of Masjid al-Haram? Can I do 2 Rakat of Nafl/Wajib?