As Salaamu Alaikum, long ago i had a dream i enter ‘Harram’ with my baby i leaved my baby in the ‘Harram’ masjid i went for bathroom then i came back then i saw rain is coming on that small childerns doing Tawaf. some big people protecting those childerns during Tawaf. then i finished my fazar namaz after that i saw ‘kabatullah’ very clearly, one doll falling from the ‘kabatullah’ i catch that doll few people try to grap the doll from me, i run way by holding the doll. fazar namaz time i got this dream plz tell me tabeer of this dream. Jazakallah
(Fatwa: 1489/1216=D/1430)
You shall be favoured with hajj in-shaAllah and you shall get the blessing of following sunnah and Shariah. If you pay attention to it, you shall get worldly progress and advancement.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband