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Answers with Tag: tawaf

Does a nafl tawaf suffice for an abandoned Tawaf-e-Qudoom?

Is Salat al Tawaf Wajib?

How much hair does a female require to cut during umrah or hajj?

How can one fulfill Tawaf al Ziyarah if they start menstruating during Hajj?

Which is better: More Umrah or More Tawaf?

Is it necessary for a woman to go to the Meeqat if she is paak while in Mecca during her period (haidh)?

Can a wife perform Umrah/Tawaf alone while her husband rests in a hotel or Haram?

What is Tawaf-e-Ziyarah and why is it important?

Is it permissible to make multiple visits to perform Umrah?

Can my wife travel during her MC and enter ihram from outside the Haram?

Does Allah’s forgiveness of your sins explain your recurring dream of kissing the Hajre Aswad?

Does missing tawaf affect Hajj e Tammattu?

In Mecca, can a woman offer namaz in a mosque?

Can we offer salatul tawaf after dawn but before Fazr fardh prayer?

Can we do multiple Nafl Tawafs and Namaz in Haram with people praying?