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Answers with Tag: tasbih

When can I perform namaz during extended periods? Any tasbih/dua for PCOS?

Is this Sunnah or Bida’h to recite these prayers before sleep?

Is Dua during Salaah permissible?

Can a pregnant woman pray?

Do wives pray in jamah with surah fatiha and qirat like men?

What is the best wazifah/tasbih/dhikr for barakah in rizq and wealth, and how many times should it be recited?

What Should Be Recited During the Bowing and the Prostration?

How Should I Deal With People Practising Islam in a Different Way Than Mine?

My Husband Does Not Satisfy Me During Marital Relations. What Can I Do?

Is It Impermissible to Move Back and Forth While Reciting Qur’an?

How To Understand the Words: “Tasbih”, “Tahlil” and “Taqdis”?

Performing fajr Salaah at home if one fears missing the Salaah

My Shaykh asked me not to engage in Tabligh. What should I do?

Reciting wazifas on the prescribed time

Bayat and Tasbih: Separating Fact from Fiction in Islamic Tradition