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Answers with Tag: salary

What is the ruling on deductions from salary for coming in late?

Can a doctor do private practice while receiving non-practicing allowance from a Government job?

Is it allowed to work for an industry that takes loans from Banks and repays them with interest & mark up?

Should my sister take Khula or keep her marriage?

Is it permissible for Muslims to work at banks that engage in transactions through interest?

Is it permissible to work in a private non-Islamic bank in the Credit department?

Is banking and insurance in Islamic?

Is it permissible to use money from an educational loan (with interest) as salary?

Is zakat wajib on salary?

Is it halal or haram to serve in a state bank of India having three children?

Is taking the ‘Outgoing Circular’ facility in the holy month of Ramadhan permissible?

Q1- Bank jobs: halal or haram? Q2- Masturbation: major sin? Q3- Ghussal: pouring water allowed?

Is working in a non-Islamic bank, taking calls and informing customers of interest charges halal or haram?

Is it permissible to take attendance of Imams in a mosque according to Shariah?

Can the interest from the bank account be used to pay income tax?