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Answers with Tag: rakaat

Do I have to pray before I sit in the Masjid? (Hanbali Fiqh)

If a person forgets to perform two Rakaats after the Tawaaf of Hajj or Umrah, is there a penalty for it?

How long does a latecomer (Masbooq) have to sit before standing up to complete his missed Rakaats/s? 

How does a latecomer (Masbooq) complete his missed Rakaats of Maghrib Salaah? 

Does one have to make an intention for every 2 Rakaats of Taraweeh Salaah?

COVID 19 – I’tikaaf & Eid Guidelines 1441/2020

Can you change your intention of Salaah whilst performing Salaah?

Can one perform the 2 Rakaats of Salaatul Ihraam after arriving at the Haram? 

Can an Imaam correct a mistake made in the first Rakaat of Salaah by rectifying it in the second Rakaat of Salaah? 

When should a latecomer (Masbooq) stand-up to complete his missed Rakaats of Salaah behind the Imaam? 

What does a Musaafir do if he doesn’t know whether the Imaam is a Musaafir or a Muqeem?

Terminating ones Salaah to secure ones child

Sunnah Surahs to recite in Witr Salaah

Can I offer some salaah after offering the witr?

I often see the same mosque in my dream. What does it mean?