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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Giving Quran to non Muslims and explaining tahaarat to them

Hadith and Qiyaas

Interpretation of 4 dreams

Saying “Allah nee qasam” Etc.

Holding Quraan while performing Salah

Zikr and Quraan during istisbraa

Tabligh Jamaat in the Quraan and Hadith

Muslim Name Rashid and Friday Sermon in Arabic

In quraan we find that the sun runs and orbits around the earth. But the modern day science says the earth orbits around the sun and the sun is still.

How many verses are there in the Holy Quraan?

Do we need Wuzu when reading the Quraan on the computer or phone etc?

Different Urdu translations of the Holy Quraan in India and Genuine Hadith

Different between Fardh and Wajib

Questions regarding cleanliness (Clothes, washing machine and Istibraa)

Reciting Quraan in English