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Answers with Tag: Pregnancy

Should I Advise My Husband Islamically or Remain Silent?

Duas for pregnancy and labor pains

Is it permissible to get an pregnancy ultrasound?

Please help us in handling this situation and give us inspiration. Is it permissible to have an abortion ?

I am six weeks pregnant. Can I abort my child?

Divorce in Pregnancy

Fasting while Pregnant

Pregnancy and Eclipse

Start of Human Reproduction

Through out the years of our marriage, my husband and I have had numerous arguments and there also has been physical abuse. I tried so hard to have patience. Now I am pregnant and we’ve had another massive argument and he also hit me a couple of times. I’ve had enough and I want a divorce. What is the ruling for a pregnant woman wanting  a divorce?

Pregnancy Bleeding and Periods

Abortion question

What options do I have for contraception?

Is it permissible to consume and sell e cigarettes?

Can a woman breastfeed her child while pregnant?