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Answers with Tag: Nawawi

What Is the Hairstyle Called Qaza according to the Shafi’i School?

What’s the Ruling on Graphic Designing and Posting Digital Drawings of People?

What Are Some Benefits of Sleeping with Wudu

Does Swearing on Something Wrong Throw Me outside the Fold of Islam?

Can I Say Remembrances and Supplications In English?

What is the Naqshbandi and Nawawi schools of thought, and what are the differences?

Three Talaqs if given in the same occasion or in different occasions

I want to know is TAWEEZ halal in Islam?

Teeth Adjustment

Ruling on Giving Continuous Charity to Charitable Organizations

What is the ruling of Sharia on selling pension?

“Allah is Sufficient for me, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs” is a Form of Supplication

Ruling on Using Cell Phone during Friday Sermon

Conditions for Hajj on Behalf of Others

It is Permissible to Pay Zakah to Indebted Son with Conditions