Home » Posts tagged 'namaaz' (Page 60)

Answers with Tag: namaaz

Joining Salaah during safr

Making dua in another language in sajdah

Standing in an aeroplane and performing Salaah

Joining a second jamaat of musaafirs for Asr Salaah

Reaching into sajdah before the Imaam

Wearing clothes that are slightly visible and performing Salaah

Praying Behind an Omnipresent Believer of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam)

Not fulfilling marital rights

 What is the correct way to perform Tahujeed namaaz? 

Drop of urine coming out during salaah

Women participating in Janazah Salaah

Can Whispering Laughter Break Wudu During Solo Prayer?

Reading the same surah after fatiha in each rakat

Qiyum-ul-layl (Tahajud) in congregation in the month of Ramadhaan

Going into Sajdah before the Imaam