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Answers with Tag: Nails

Placing Cut Nails in the Bin

Witchcraft on Hair

Shaving Armpit Hair

Is It Mustahab for a Haaji Not To Trim After Zul Hijjah Enters?

Is It Permissible To Apply Nail Polish?

Wearing Fake Nails and Nail Polish During Period

Does Dirt under Fingernails or Toenails Affect the Validity of Ghusl or Wudu?

Does Long Armpit Hair Or Pubic Hair Affect Validity of Ritual Bath?

What are the Requirements of an Obligatory Purificatory Bath?

Cutting Hair in Dhul Hijjah

Cutting Nails at Night

Cutting Nails in Ten Days of Zul Hijjah

Cutting Hair and Nails after Qurbani

Is Prayer with Acrylic Nails on Valid?

Since my wife is pregnant and she is unable to cut her pubic hair, Can I cut them for her. How often are we suppose to cut our pubic hair and our arm pit hair (every 30 or 40 days). And is their a special day for this and cutting hair and nails nails. What is the Sunnah in cutting nails.