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Answers with Tag: Nafs

Should I take baiah with my Shaikh despite my family not following Shariah?

What does dreaming of a black snake in my Indian home and village mean?

What is the meaning of the names BANAFSHA, SHANUM, and ADIFAAH?

What does my dream of a cow attacking my mom and a man being injected with cyanide mean?

How can someone get rid of waswasah in Islam?

Love or parents’ choice?

What did my husband do when he saw the man and two dead bodies by the pond?

What does my dream mean?

Why did I dream of an elderley man with black clothing, a long beard, big bushy eyebrows and a long stick?

What is the best wazifa to purify heart and nafs and spiritual progress?

Is there a reference to doing wudhu with cold water in cold weather earning more virtues?

What is the meaning of dreaming of snakes?

Is it permissible to drink, eat and touch food before Ghusl?

Is my wife scared of snakes/lizards due to recurring dreams?

I am going to do ‘Umra insha-Allah and my daughter-in-law who is also my niece wants to come along to do too.  Can I be her mahram?