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Answers with Tag: Nafs

Touching male patients in the course of studies

Gain nearness to Allah

Can Muslim women be gynaecologists

Acting upon a incorrect ruling of a mujtahid

1. Is it permissible to use eye drops while fasting? 2. How to gain concentration in Salaah? 3. Can you provide a document with Surahs to read every day?

I want to be a true Muslimah, can you please advise me?

What is the Du’aa to safeguard one’s self from falling to their desires?It starts like this, YA HAYYU, YA QAYYUM, BI RAHMATIKA ASTAGHEEZ….

Namaz e Tahajjud should be offered as Sunnah or Nawaffil please reply in view of Quraan and Hadith.

Plz tell me what you know about Moulana Mododi (India)?

Heard a tafseer from the holy Quran shareef that if our good deeds exceed even an atom more than our sins then and only then will we enter jannah and vice versa

I live in the UK and i’m thinking of becoming a Local Councillor for the Area I live in. The Politcal Group i want to represent is the Labour party. In the Future I want to stand as MP Inshallah

I have this really bad problem about masturbation. I just can’t stop. I stop for two weeks and I do it again.

Is it permissable for a girl to study an alima course via the internet&phone if her bro-in-law teaches her as she cannot leave home to study?

While fasting I did masturbation until i reached orgasm. 1)Is my Fast valid?

Who did influence Iblis (Satan) to be a sinner?