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Answers with Tag: innovation

Is the new system of centralizing Azaan in Abu Dhabi right or wrong?

Is going in jamat a biddah or one of the biggest sunnahs?

Is it permissible to cover the mazaar of saints with a chaadar?

What are the do’s and don’ts when visiting a dargah like Haji Ali or Ajmer?

What is the dua that is traditionally said after completing a farz prayer?

Does following this Imam’s practice ensure our prayer (Namaz) is acceptable to Allah?

Can a person fast during the month of Muharram?

Why do Muslims follow Deoband?

Is it permissible to recite Fateha before eating meals?

What is the significance of the niyaz, fatiha in Islam?

Is there anything in the Quran about the procedure of Majlis (Shia Fiqr)?

Is it permissible to recite Fatiha on food in remembrance of certain holy figures?

Is it religiously permissible to call or write someone who has done hajj a haji?

How many types of bidaat write bidaat?

How does completing the Quran in Tarawi Namaz on 27th Shab of Ramadan followed by a collective dua benefit believers?