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Answers with Tag: Imam Abu Hanifa

From which sect of Islam does the Deobandi belief and Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) belong?

Is it compulsory to recite Quran behind the Imam?

Do Jumuah prayers include sunnah and sunnatul wakht?

Is our hajj valid despite the delay in Rami?

Is it better to offer fardh salah with jamat according to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik?

Can you provide a summarized fatwa on alcohol use in perfume for our Vieri Perfume packaging?

Can I work as a software developer for a Hedge Fund?

Is vaginal discharge pure and does it invalidate Wudhu?

Reading nafl prayers in pairs

Losing wudhu during Sajdah Sahwe

Recitation of Fatiha in Salah

Question on the Four Madhaahib

Consuming fish according to Imam Abu Hanifa

Performance of Jumuah khutbah and salaah

Praying salaah with shoes on and making masah on socks