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Answers with Tag: Imam Abu Hanifa

What is the Limit of Using Honorific Titles for Scholars?

Cultural differences in marriage

Salaah timings

Ruling on Vaginal Discharge

Where did Imam Abū Hanīfah (rahimahu Allah) get the title Al-Imam Al-Azam?

When is the correct time to stand up for salah?

Salafi Imam claims Imam Abu Hanifa said Sihr is a fantasy

Why is it not permissible to consume horse meat?

What is the basis of Masah upon the Jawrabain? Can the Qur`anic verse facilitate performing masah over, as well as washing, the feet?

What is the correct opinion of Imām Abū Hanīfah Rahimahullāh on the recitation of Rabbanā lak-al-hamd by the Imām?

I heard from alot of peoples that saying 3 talaq in one go revokes the nikah. But after listening to the following speach of Zakir Naik and his references I am really confused whether three saying three talaqs in one go break the nikah or not. ..

Can a Hanafi follow Shafi prayer time for Asr prayer?

Clear discharge

What is the ruling regarding talaq according to Imam Shafai?

Is it permissible to make dua after salah?