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Answers with Tag: Ibn Hajar

What is the authenticity of the book “Muhammad (s.a.w) The Messenger of Islam: His Life and Prophecy” by Hajjah Amina Adil?

Suitable name for a girl

Sahaba Named Hani

Spending generously on one`s dependents on the day of Aashura

Reference for hadith in Hisne Haseen

The term في سبيل الله in the Quran – Does it refer to Jihad or Tabligh?

Ibn ‘Abbas’s (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) statement regarding sleeping with wudu

Meaning of the word mazamir

The number of narrations reported by Sayyiduna Husayn (radiyallahu ‘anhu)

Reward for reciting: ‘Raditu billahi Rabba…’

A narration regarding Musa (‘alayhis salam) on the Day of Resurrection

An angel makes tasbih whilst carrying the ‘Arsh

Hadith Qudsi: I was an unknown treasure

Clarification on the miraculous achievements of the ‘Ulama

Sahabiyyat who had duties in the marketplace