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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abidin

Joining the feets when going to ruku, and keep it joined when rising from ruku and in sajdah

Reciting behind imam by mistake

The Fiqh of Paying Zakat: Can it be given to parents, a spouse, children, relatives… ?

Possessing pens made of Gold or Silver

Painting other than human or animal forms

Are teacups with images permitted?

Who is responsible for zakat payment: me or my husband?

Children Touching the Qur’an Without Wudu

Is it permissible to ask one’s domestic servant to pay for damage caused by negligence during ironing if this happens repeatedly?

The fiqh of baby vomit

Zakat paid on property

Is it disliked for a Hanafi to recite the qunut in fajr if most of the followers are Shafi`i?

Is it true that when in a congregation in zuhr and asr, we are not to recite surah Al Fatiha or

Final Sitting and Sending of Blessings

Is the blood found in mosquitoes najis?