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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abidin

Husband Supporting Family with Haram Money

Calling the Adhan Inside the Mosque Prayer Hall

Is it Permitted to give the Adhan Collectively?

Do Mere Contemplation, or Allusive Words Effect Divorce?

Is it Permissible to have Phone Sex with One’s Wife?

Wearing Underwear in Ihram

I would like to know whether we as Muslims could or should not use these products as they are from dead sea in ‘Israel’?

Please inform me about the Zuhr-i Ahir prayers which is prayed in some Hanafi countries like Turkey. Ibn Abidin did gave preferance for this practice i.e. to pray 4 rakaats (Zuhr-i Ahir) after Jumuah as a precaution in his Radd ul Mukhtaar.

A brother told me that we must recite the last three Surah of the Quran: Ikhlas,Falaq, Nas in the 3th rakat of Witr, Does this has a origin?

Im looking for a Hanafi fiqh book with evidenses, i noticed that the written fiqh books on the Hanafi madab are mainly books without evidenses but rather with verdicts like; Nurul Izah, Al Ikhtiyaar, Al-Hadiyya al-alaiyya, Ibn Abidin etc.