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Answers with Tag: Ibn Abidin

Reciting Aloud When Praying Alone

Contact lenses when fasting

Intention: It is not Necessary to Specify the Number of Rakats One is Praying

Petty Bribes: Are they allowed?

Concerning the question: “Are we permitted to watch ‘The Passion’?”  

The Permissibility of Praying with Shoes On

If one considers the status of his in-laws to be the same as that of his parents, can he be con

Deferred zakat payment

Praying in just any clothes

Where Should One Look During Prayer?

Should a ring be worn by men?

Praying Tasbih Namaz in Congregation? Also Other Nafila Prayers in Congregation?

Qasidah Burdah and Ablution

The fiqh of placing a barrier (sutra) before oneself in prayer

Placing Hands in Prayer: Is the Hanafi Position a Reprehensible Innovation?