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Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

Washing the hands before eating

Those who greet first are the closest to Allah Ta’ala

Tolerant rulers are a sign that Allah intends good

Staying apart from one’s brother in Islam for longer than a year

The rewards for good deeds reaches the deceased on condition he passed away a Muslim

‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) advice regarding fulfilling obligatory deeds and abstaining from sin

Honouring the elderly

The du’a after drinking milk

Not remembering Allah in a gathering is a cause of loss

What does ‘nard’ refer to?

The example of one who gives charity when he is on his death bed

Another Sunnah du’a to recite when eating

‘O businessmen! Give sadaqah’

Reciting ‘inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un’ when the lamp goes out

A du’a to recite expressing gratitude to Allah