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Making up the Sunan Prayer of Fajr after Fajr

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Shafiifiqh.com


Can I make up the Sunan of Fajr after fajr if I miss them, or can I offer sunnah after Sunrise?


الحمد لله رب العالمين ، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، وبالله التوفيق

( وتكره الصلاة عند الاستواء ) وإن ضاق وقته ؛ لأنه يسع التحريم للنهي الصحيح عنه ( إلا يوم الجمعة ) ولو لمن لم يحضرها لحديث فيه لكن فيه مقال إلا أن يكون قد اعتضد ( وبعد ) أداء فعل ( الصبح حتى ) تطلع الشمس بخلافه قبل فعلها يجوز النفل مطلقا ومن طلوعها حتى ( ترتفع الشمس كرمح ) طوله نحو سبعة أذرع في رأي العين وإلا فالمسافة طويلة سواء أصلى الصبح أم لا ( و ) بعد أداء فعل ( العصر ) ولو لمن جمع تقديما ( حتى ) تصفر الشمس بخلافه قبل فعلها يجوز النفل مطلقا ومن الاصفرار حتى ( تغرب ) لمن صلى العصر ومن لم يصلها فالكراهة تتعلق بالفعل في وقتين وبالزمن في ثلاثة أوقات كما تقرر وهي للتحريم وقيل للتنزيه وعليهما لا تنعقد (تحفة المحتاج في شرح المنهاج)

Salah is prohibited in five conditions; three related to the times and two related to the actions:

1. At the time when the sun is at its zenith until it moves on except on Friday

2. After praying Fajr

3. From the time of sunrise until the sun is at a spear’s length

4. After praying ʿAsr

5. When the sun yellows before sunset until it has set.

In the above conditions, salah is unlawful and invalid. [Tuhfat al-Minhaj]

وتكره الصلاة عند الاستواء إلا يوم الجمعة، وبعد الصبح حتى ترتفع الشمس كرمح، والعصر حتى تغرب إلا لسبب كفائتة، (المنهاج للنووي)

Salah is hated at the time (that the sun is at its) zenith beside on Friday, after Subh till the sun rises to the amount of the length of one spear, and after Asr till the sun sets, except salah that has a particular reason such as make up salah… (al-Minhaj of Imam An-Nawawi)

وبين التفصيل الخطيب «… إلا صلاة لسبب غير متأخر عنها كفائتة لم يقصد تأخيرها إليه » (الإقناع للشربيني)

A detailed condition mentioned by al-Khatib , “… (salah that is prohibited at times mentioned above) except for a salah that has a particular reason which (the reason) should have preceded that salah, such as a make up salah, and one does not intentionally delay it to that particular time. [al-Iqna’ of ash-Shirbini]

It is permissible at the above times to offer nonobligatory prayers that are performed for a particular reason, such as the funeral prayer, greeting the mosque, or the two rak`as that are sunna after ablution (wudu); and it is also permissible to make up missed prayers; though one may not perform the two rak`as that are sunna before entering the state of pilgrim sanctity (ihram).

It is not offensive to pray within the Meccan Sacred Precinct (Haram) at any time. Nor is it offensive to pray when the sun is at its zenith on Fridays (N: whether in the Sacred Precinct or elsewhere). (The Reliance of the Traveller)

يجوز له أن يقضي سنة الصبح بعد صلاة الصبح أو بعد طلوع الشمس.

In reference to the question; it is permissible for a person to make up his Fajr’s sunnat after Fajr’s salah or after sunrise.

والله تعالى أعلم

Allah Most High knows best.

Answered by:

Sidi Abdullah Muhammad al-Marbuqi al-Shafi‘i

Checked by:

Al-Ustadh Muhammad Isa bin Jaizah al-Shafi’i

This answer was collected from Shafiifiqh.com which was a repository of Islamic answers as per the Shafi’i madhhab. The website no longer functions. At its peak, many ‘ulama were involved with the site including Shaykh Mawlana Taha Karaan, Shaykh Abdul-Fattah ibn Abdullah, and Shaykh AbdurRagman Khan.

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