My wife teaches in an Islamic evening school. The institute is formed of a management committee which is made up of two scholars and one mufti. Most recently, the management decided that they felt, for reasons unknown to anyone, that the female teachers are lacking in their tajweed, and thus, this is reflected in the teaching as lower school pupils pick it up incorrectly.
The management decided that a twice weekly session would run for the female teachers for 10 weeks. The lessons would be conducted by the mufti and all the female teachers (eight of them) would attend. The female teachers naturally said that they would rather have a female tajweed teacher. The management rejected the idea. They are adamant that only the mufti will conduct the classes.
Also bear in mind that all the female teachers would be wearing their abayas and a niqab.
In the original plan, the seating was set up which all the females disagreed with. In the end, the management decided on the seating system which I have also included.
What I would like to know is, in the Shafii Madhab, is a male teacher allowed to conduct a class of females only, without a physical barrier in place? Is the seating plan which has been included a valid set up in the Shafii Madhab?
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu,
In respect to looking at a member of the opposite sex for teaching, Ibn Hajar mentioned,
يظهر فيما يجب تعلمه وتعليمه كالفاتحة وما يتعين فيه ذلك من الصنائع المحتاج إليها بشرط فقد جنس ومحرم صالح وتعذر من وراء حجاب ووجود مانع خلوة أخذا مما مر في العلاج
“It is clear in what is obligatory to teach and learn, like Surah al-Fatihah, and what is specific to needed occupations, with the condition that there is no member of the same sex or a pious relative, and that there is a difficulty from behind a partition, and that there is present one who prevents unlawful seclusion; extrapolating from what came previously under receiving medical treatment.” (Tuhfat al-Muhtaj v. 7. p. 204)
Therefore, if there is a female tajwid teacher available, or one of the women has a relative who can teacher her, then either should be given preference. If not, then the classes must be conducted from behind a partition, unless that entails undue difficulty. There must never be unlawful seclusion with a member of the opposite sex.
And Allah knows best, Fatwa Dept.