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Silver Necklace with Ayat al-Kursi

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is it permissible for man to take a silver pendant with ayat al-kursi inscribed on it, hang it in a silver chain, and then wear it around his neck?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

It is not permissible for him to do so. The books of the school explicitly state that it is not permissible for a man to wear any type of women’s jewelry except for a silver ring, which is permissible for him. It says in the Minhaj [of Imam Nawawi] with the Tuhfa [of Imam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami]:

” (Among)the gold and silver that are (forbidden are vessels, bracelets, anklets)and all types of women’s jewelry (for the wearing of men) i.e., if he intends to do so by acquiring them, they are forbidden [to acquire], so wearing them [is forbidden] a fortiori. This is because it comprises femininity that does not befit the manhood of a man.”

The Majmu’ [Imam Nawawi] says:

As for silver, it is permissible for men to wear a ring made of it. There are two opinions regarding whether or not it is permissible for him to wear silver jewelry other than rings, such as armbands, bracelets, necklaces, or crowns. The majority have decided that it is forbidden.

One can also refer to vol. 2 p. 262 of the Rawda [of Imam Nawawi] for similar statements.

Amjad Rasheed
Amman, Jordan

(Shaykh Amjad Rasheed has spent several years studying Shafi’i fiqh in Jordan, Syria, and Hadramawt. He currently lives and teaches in Amman.)

السؤال: قطعة من الفضة نقش عليه آية الكرسي ، هل يجوز لرجل أن يجعل هذه القطعة في قلادة من فضة ثم يلبسها في عنقه؟ جواب: لا يجوز له ذلك ؛ فالمنصوص عليه في كتب المذهب عدمُ جواز لُبسِ الرجل شيئاً من حلي النساء ، عدا خاتم الفضة فهو مباح له . قال في “المنهاج” مع “التحفة” (3/276) :” ( ومن ) النقد الذهب والفضة ( المحرم الإناءُ والسوارُ والخلخالُ ) وسائرُ حلي النساء ( للُِبس الرجل ) بأن قصد ذلك باتخاذهما فهما محرمان بالقصد فاللُّبس أولى ؛ وذلك لأن فيه خنوثةً لا تليق بشهامة الرجل “. اهـوعبارة “المجموع” (6/38) :” وأما الفضة فيجوز للرجل التختمُ بها ، وهل له لُبسُ ما سوى الخاتمِ من حلي الفضة كالدملج والسوار والطوق والتاج ؟ فيه وجهان ؛ قطع الجمهور بالتحريم “. اهـ المقصود منه ، ومثله في “الروضة”(2/262)

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