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Joining Prayers: Before Travel or Delaying Until the End of Travel

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is it permissible to join prayers before beginning to travel? Is it permissible to delay joining one’s prayers until the end of travel (such that a person arrives at his home)?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It is not permissible for the one who intends travelling to join prayers before he leaves, nor to shorten a prayer of four rak`ahs to two rak`ahs before he leaves the city. If the city is not enclosed by walls–as is the case with most cities today–[one is considered to have left it] by passing beyond all of its buildings. This is our school and the school of the majority of the scholars as Imam al-Nawawi said in his Majmu`. It was related by Imam `Ata’, “If the traveller goes beyond the walls of his house, he may shorten [s. his prayers]. This opinion is wrong as he (Imam al-Nawawi) said in the Majmu` because this is neglecting the meaning of the word “travelling”, i.e. the dispensation for joining and shortening prayers is conditional upon travelling, and a person is not considered a traveller until he leaves his town.

As for delaying joining the prayers until the end of the travel, it is permissible such that if the time of maghrib is enters while one is still travelling, and he intends to delay the prayer until `isha, it is permissible for him to pray it in the time of `isha while he is travelling before he arrives at the town where he will reside. Also, he can delay praying both [s. maghrib and `isha] until he arrives at his town, but with the condition that he pray them both before the time of `isha expires. However, if he arrives at the town of his residence before the time for maghrib expires, he must pray it on time and he is not allowed to delay it until `isha in this case, because the travelling which is the reason for his dispensation has ended.

(Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad)

السؤال: هل يجوز جمع الصلاة قبل بدء السفر ؟ هل يجوز تأخير الجمع إلى نهاية السفر ( بأن يبلغ الشخص منزله ) ؟ الجواب : لا يجوز لمن أراد السفر أن يجمع الصلاة تقديماً أو يقصر رباعية في البلد قبل الخروج منها ، ويكون ذلك بمفارقة بنيانها إن لم يكن لها سور كما هو غالب البلاد اليوم ، هذا مذهبنا ومذهب جماهير العلماء كما قاله الإمام النووي في “المجموع” ، ونقل عن الإمام عطاء أنه قال : إذا جاوز المسافر حيطان داره فله القصر . وهذا المذهب فاسد كما قال في “المجموع” لأنه منابذ لاسم السفر ؛ أي : فإن الرخصة في الجمع والقصر منوطة بالسفر ولا يصير الشخص مسافراً إلا بخروجه من بلده . أما تأخير جمع الصلاة إلى نهاية السفر فيجوز كأن يدخل عليه وقتُ المغرب وهو مسافرٌ فينوي تأخيرَ فعله إلى وقت العشاء فيجوز له أن يصليهما في وقت العشاء في السفر قبل الوصول لبلد الإقامة ، وله تأخيرُ فعلهما إلى أن يصل بلد الإقامة لكن بشرط أن يفعلهما قبل خروج وقت العشاء . أما إن وصل بلد الإقامة قبل خروج وقت المغرب فيلزمه فعلُها ولا يجوز تأخيرها إلى العشاء حينئذ لأن السفر الذي هو سبب الرخصة قد انتهى .

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