Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacher
Reliance of the Traveller, section f15.3, states that purely recreational trips whose purpose is not disobedience are permissible but that travel dispensations cannot be taken when engaged in such travel. Can travel dispensations be taken for the following two types of trips? Is the answer different based on what dispensation it is (the two in particular that concern me are shortening/combining prayers and missing Friday prayer)?
1) The trip will be taken for a purpose other than recreation but the chosen method of travel is for recreational purposes. Specifically, I will be moving across the country for work purposes. If not for the secondary recreational motive, I would have flown to my destination. Instead, I decided to drive to my destination and stop along the way at various national parks. Can I take travel dispensations on such a trip, provided the other conditions for being a traveller are met?
2) A trip is taken where the destination chosen is purely recreational, but the purpose has other motivations as well. In particular, I will be going to a recreational destination with my family and thus be engaged in the recommended act of spending time with my family while on the trip. Can I take travel dispensations on such a trip, provided the other conditions for being a traveller are met?
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
Travel dispensations such as shortening or joining prayers may only be taken if one has a legally valid reason (gharad sahih) for traveling. Scholars explain that mere sightseeing (ru’yat al-bilad) is not a legally valid reason that allows one to shorten prayers. The scenario that this condition is referring to–as explained by Ibn Hajar in the Tuhfa–is when the sole reason for one’s travel is idle curiosity to see various places, with no other accompanying reason. When such a trip is accompanied by a legally valid reason, such as business, visiting family, or even recreation (tanazzuh), then one may shorten one’s prayers during the trip. Ibn Hajar explains that recreation is a legally valid reason to undertake a journey because it gives one relief from the pressures of life.
Based on this, both of the travel scenarios you describe permit you to take travel dispensations such as joining and shortening prayers while traveling
And Allah Most High knows best.