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I am unable to guard my tongue from backbiting. What shall I do?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

I am unable to guard my tongue from backbiting. What shall I do?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

In order to restrain yourself from this unlawful act, you must read the verses and hadiths that condemn backbiting, and explain the evil state of the one who falls into it, and the pain of the punishment with Allah Most High [that awaits him]. Then, you should read the Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din [of Imam Ghazali], for it explains the causes of backbiting and the means of curing it in a manner that cannot be surpassed. In order to make it easy for yourself to abandon [backbiting], you should also keep the company of someone who guards his tongue against backbiting and evil, and you should distance yourself from gatherings of those who set their tongues loose upon the inviolabilities of other people. You should also beg Allah to remove this affliction from you.

Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Sidi Hamza Karamali)

السؤال : لا أستطيعُ أن أحفظ لساني من الغيبة فماذا أفعل ؟  الجواب : لا بدَّ لك من قراءة الآيات والأحاديث الزاجرة عن الغيبة والمبينة لسوء حال الواقع فيها وأليم عقوبتها عند الله تعالى لتنـزجر نفسُك عن هذا المحرم ، ثم عليك بكتاب “الإحياء” فقد تكفل ببيان أسباب الغيبة وطرق العلاج منها بما لا مزيدَ عليه ، وعليك بصحبة من يحفظ لسانه عن الغيبة والسوء والبعد عن مجالس من يطلق لسانه في أعراض الناس ليسهل عليك تركها وتعتاد ذلك ، والتجئ إلى الله تعالى في أن يدفع هذا البلاء عنك .


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