Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Karim Yahya, SunniPath Academy Teacher
After major ritual impurity (janaba) at night, it is impossible to wake up at 4:00 in the morning and perform a purificatory bath (ghusl), (cold weather, dark, bathroom w/out light) to be clean to perform the morning prayer (fajr). What are the options if a female wants to do all her prayers, but due to major ritual impurity misses the morning prayer everyday?
In The Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
May Allah make us all stronger, for we have no strength to worship him except by virtue of the ability (tawfiq) He gives us, and His giving is without measure.
Darkness and cold are not among the excuses that allow one to make dry ablution (tayummum) instead of the purificatory bath (ghusl) unless, in the case of cold, there is no way to heat the water. Rather in your case the only recourse would seem to be endeavoring to take the steps necessary to insure that you can get up, such as: having your husband sprinkle water on your face, bathing before you sleep, getting some candles, or buying two or even three alarm clocks. Do whatever it takes. Missing even one prayer is a serious sin, while purifying oneself when it is difficult is a great act of obedience. Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said to his companions: “‘Should I not lead you to that by which Allah erases sins and raises in ranks?’ They said, ‘Of course O Messenger of Allah!’ He said, ‘Thoroughly making ablution in unpleasant circumstances, taking plentiful steps to the masjids, and waiting for a prayer after the previous prayer. That is keeping post. That is keeping post.'”[1] Abdul-Mu’min al-Damyati commented on this by saying: “What is meant by unpleasant circumstances is extreme cold, an illness which makes the infirmed to lazy to move, and situations like these in which ablution is difficult for a person to perform. The person who persists in these actions anticipates by virtue of them forgiveness of their sins, an increase in their good deeds, and their entering paradise; so the Prophet, Allah bless and grant him peace, compared them to a frontier guard, in the face of the enemy, who expects martyrdom and forgiveness because of his guarding the frontier.”[2] Allah give all of us persistence in these and all good works, and He alone gives success (tawfiq).
[1] Sahih Muslim No. 251.
[2]Abdul-Mu’min al-Damyati, al-Matjar al-Rabih fi Thawab al-‘Amal al-Salih (Beruit, Mu’assasah al-Kutub al-Thaqafiyah), p.33.