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Doubts about first night of Nikkah and performing nafeel namaz in jamath or separately.

Can a Muslim man marry a non-Muslim second wife without informing his first wife?

What duas can I read to prevent my husband from committing adultery and have a happy marriage?

Is my positive istikhara from 2 years ago still valid or do I need to do it again?

Should I accept a marriage proposal from a previously rejected girl who now shows interest?

How to find a spouse while following the Quran’s instruction to lower gaze?

Can Muslim women choose not to marry due to fear of not being a good wife or mother?

Marrying a non-Muslim and a new Muslima girl – what to do?

How can I deal with my controlling spouse during pregnancy and maintain my faith?

How can I make my marriage legal in Islam if I never did a Nikha with my wife?

Can I marry a girl my parents disapprove of, even if I choose them over her for now?

How to find a halal wife for marriage?

Can parents break a nikah if they disapprove of the race of the partner?

Images of deceased Muslims: permissible or degrading?

Can an impure lady briefly see the deceased at a funeral?