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How Long Can a Couple Be Separated While Remaining Legally Married in Islam?

Charging an Enrollment Fee To Participate in a Quran Competition

Would a Divorce From a USA Court Be Considered a Sharee Talaq?

What’s the Difference Between OCD and Waswasa?

Collecting Zakat From Multiple People

Can You Please Elaborate on What Defines a Sect per Classical Islamic Understanding?

Is Vasectomy Permissible for Men To Avoid Having Children?

Is Hypnotherapy Haram?

Husband Gave Talaq to His Pregnant Wife via Text Message

Can a Sister Only Wear Niqab in Places Where She Feels Safe?

Is It Permissible for Two of the Groom’s Relatives To Go and Witness the Bride Giving Her Consent to the Marriage?

Reciting Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Nas

Printing and Designing Leaflets for Bars and Restaurants

Can One Drink Water Before or After Eating?

Meaning of the Hadith “Someone Is Given the Qur’an and He Recites Day and Night”