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Do I Have To Pray the Asr Qadha Prayer Before the Asr Prayer?

Buying Another Property on an Islamic Mortgage

Is It Allowed To Take a Scholarship From the Government With No Condition Other Than Having the Best Essay?

Can I Pursue a Job as a Financial Advisor for a Company That Is Not Based on Islamic Values?

Praying in the State of Impurity

I Want to Marry This Man but Family Refuses Even Though We Accepted Each Other

Maple Leaf Farm’s All Natural Halal Ducks

Does Anyone Know if Mufti Taqi Has Given a Fatwa That States That the 1st Mortgage Is Permissible

Ruju From Two Talaqs

Is a Gaming Centre Permissible as a Business

Has Mufti Taqi Saheb Given a Fatwa that States that the First Mortgage is Permissible

Contraception Without Husbands Knowledge

Are the Maple Leaf Ducks Certified to be Halal

Can Muslims Avoid Income Tax?

Is Income from Google AdSense Halal?