Is it ok say Eid Mubarak? Some people say it’s haram to say so. Please comment
There is nothing wrong with saying Eid Mubarak. It is said only once in a while. We should wish well for all Muslim brothers and sisters. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam has said “Ad-Deenu nasehah” Deen is wishing well for every individual. So we wish that Allah makes Eid full of blessings and barakah for the Muslims of the entire world.
However, the practice of the Sahabah radiallahu anhum is more virtuous. Many Salaf also refrained from saying it because they thought Eid can only be Mubarak if Allah Ta’ala accepted our Ramadan and forgave our shortcomings, otherwise it would not be Mubarak.
(A subhan 9/13)