Home » Hanafi Fiqh » ShariahBoard.org » What say ulema about a convert woman who married a Musli and then says to him that 1) she cannot forsake the Christmas celebration and its rituals and 2) she casts aspersions on islam saying ‘what kind of a ‘f’ religion is this that a woman has to keep her husband happy all the time’. 3) She usually curses quran and hadith so, is her islam still valid?

What say ulema about a convert woman who married a Musli and then says to him that 1) she cannot forsake the Christmas celebration and its rituals and 2) she casts aspersions on islam saying ‘what kind of a ‘f’ religion is this that a woman has to keep her husband happy all the time’. 3) She usually curses quran and hadith so, is her islam still valid?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org
What say ulema about a convert woman who married a Musli and then says to him that 1) she cannot forsake the Christmas celebration and its rituals and 2) she casts aspersions on islam saying ‘what kind of a ‘f’ religion is this that a woman has to keep her husband happy all the time’. 3) She usually curses quran and hadith so, is her islam still valid?
What say ulema about a convert woman who married a Musli and then says to him that 1) she cannot forsake the Christmas celebration and its rituals and 2) she casts aspersions on islam saying ‘what kind of a ‘f’ religion is this that a woman has to keep her husband happy all the time’. 3) She usually curses quran and hadith so, is her islam still valid?
A woman like this would have left the fold of islam.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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