What is the cure for masturbation? Please give advice on how one can cure this habit. Also, what should one do when marriage in his society is usually done later? If one wants to fulfill his desires in the Halaal way, he must wait a very long time due to the mindset of society and family. What should one do in this condition?
الجواب وباللہ التوفیق
The best treatment for masturbation is to do Nikah, you should place the topic in front of the parents in a nice manner. Whenever you think of committing such a thing you should do continuous recitation of اعوذ باللہ من الشیطن الرجیم and the third Kalimah, acquire the company of the People of Allaah, have realization of the fear of Allaah, and keep this matter in mind that the people who commit such a thing are deprived of the mercy of Allaah and they get the curse of Allaah. It is mentioned in some ضعیف narrations that the fingers of such people will be pregnant on the Day of Judgment.
واللہ اعلم بالصواب